[geeks] ORBit problem solved

Dave McGuire geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Dec 9 22:33:55 CST 2001

  I've now got ORBit 0.5.12 compiled under IRIX.  It was a cc
command-line syntax issue.  The ORBit IDL compiler uses cc to invoke
cpp, to preprocess the .idl files.  One fucking hyphen.  Here's the

*** ORBit-0.5.12/libIDL/util.c	Sun Dec  9 23:06:24 2001
--- ORBit-0.5.12/libIDL/util.c-orig	Sun Dec  9 23:24:31 2001
*** 205,211 ****
  	char *fmt = CPP_PROGRAM " " CPP_NOSTDINC " - %s%s %s < \"%s\" 2>/dev/null";
  	char *wd = "", *dirend;
! 	char *fmt = CPP_PROGRAM " " CPP_NOSTDINC " -I -I%s %s \"%s\" 2>/dev/null";
  	char *s, *tmpfilename;
  	char cwd[2048];
  	gchar *linkto;
--- 205,211 ----
  	char *fmt = CPP_PROGRAM " " CPP_NOSTDINC " - %s%s %s < \"%s\" 2>/dev/null";
  	char *wd = "", *dirend;
! 	char *fmt = CPP_PROGRAM " " CPP_NOSTDINC " -I- -I%s %s \"%s\" 2>/dev/null";
  	char *s, *tmpfilename;
  	char cwd[2048];
  	gchar *linkto;

Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL

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