[geeks] Re: "Word Processing" != productive use of one's time....

joshua d boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 20 00:39:06 CDT 2001

On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 12:28:04AM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> The ironic part:
> I had to submit the chapter in MS Word format.
> (I wrote it in VI, then imported it into Word and sent it to them
>  that way..)

I've been considering writing an asp app where you submit an office
document, and it will use COM to force word or excel, or whatever, to
convert the document to a more civilized format which it would then serve
up.  I don't think it would be possible to make it scale enough to make it
a public service, but maybe I could sell it to unix workgroups.  Install
one bastard server that stands alone from all other machines, and it
greatly improves interopability with others.  But, too many unix people
like being incompabitily with the minority of companies to really make it
sucessful, I suspect.

Joshua D. Boyd

IANAL: I am not a [lama|lawyer|luser|leper].

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