[geeks] XML in Perl and/or Python

David Cantrell geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Apr 24 16:34:36 CDT 2001

On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 04:05:25PM -0400, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:

> Has anyone around here ever written their own XML modules in Perl or
> Python?  I find I need such a thing.  I could easily use MSXML or libxml,
> but I need something that doesn't have external dependencies for two
> different projects (one in perl, one in python) since the projects are
> meant to run on systems where installing additional libraries is not an
> option.  Grrr.

There is XML::Parser::Lite for perl, but I am reliably informed that it is
neither fast nor light-weight (for obvious reasons, I s'pose).  I've never
used it myself, but I'd be wary of it.  It may very well not be
sufficiently complete for your needs.

David Cantrell | root at alphacomplex.org | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

       Rip, Mix, Burn, unless you're using our latest and greatest
         operating system which we couldn't be arsed to complete

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