[geeks] Cray of different sort

Jonathan Katz geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Apr 12 14:21:01 CDT 2001

On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 06:41:44PM +0200, Magnus Hultin wrote:
> Does he have one of these too?
> http://cgi.ebay.de/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1227854363

My German is a little rusty... to the point I don't speak it. Thanks
to Babelfish I got the following info: (the translation is kinda
funny, hence why I posted it...) 68DM is <$100, so it's not a bad
deal. Transatlantic shipping, though...

This is not a late April joke!!! 1 Cray Supercomputer,
array processor with 4 PCUs, 256 megawords primary
storages. FDDI -, HIPPI INTERFACES as well as further
I/O subsystems dangers under the UNIX Betriebsystem
Unicos 10,0,0,6, tapping tipp-topp waited (end of
the servicing contract 20,4,2001, can be extended
however. I think times that the name Cray admit am and
save therefore further descriptions. If still questions
are, I answer these gladly by mail. Now to the serious
part of the auction: It will want probably hardly
someone the complete system (weight 8 tons, connected
load 66 KW). But for collecting tanks, Freaks, etc.,
is perhaps nice it, itself a Main board to place fixed
disk or the like or other sections in the shelf.
Therefore the three highest bidders receive the
opportunity, a ORIGINALTEIL of these Cray, fully
functionally too ersteigern. Proceeds of this auction
go to a non-profit donation Notes: Unfortunately
increased forwarding expenses due to the weight and
padded packing (expenditure!). Buyer carries dispatch
in Germany 20DM,VK, foreign country postage extra costs.
No supply into Eastern European states. I take over
Ebay fees (should be actually natural!). And if you
look into my other auctions, you find perhaps still
somewhat and save postage costs. To 10.04.01

around 07:46:39 MESZ the salesman added the following
information: Due to many inquiries the here following
two supplements: 1. Picture under

I ask for understanding that NO original pictures of these
Cray are shown here: It is located in a safety area,
therefore no pictures for the public. 2. The authenticity
and Originalitaer of the sections are acknowledged by a
oath-stately certificate (this for the inquiry of a
Scherzboldes, which mistook the thing with a Commodore
C64). Thus, hold you ran -- this is the last but one C94,s
which exists in this world. Whether you ever rankommt
again to sections, is thus very improbable Visitor counter
and more of Honesty.com (in English) offering Cray C94
array processor @@@LOOK@@@ starting from 1DM article number
1227854363 Current requirement: 68.00 DM Increase step: 1.00 DM

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