[geeks] Lunchtime poll... who here is a smoker?

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Apr 11 17:10:52 CDT 2001

Well, I got a good laugh at the "Took us a week." line...

As for the car, yes - since you bought it *before* the line was owned by Ford (I assume), then it is still foreign. If after, well, it is debateable

As for the thinking, well, I do as little as required to pass... ;^)
(maybe I'll have to ratchet up the thought process a bit, seems folks are catching on around here...)

(Who is looking forward to installing my new CD-ROM/CD-Recorder/CD-ReWriter/DVD Player in my Wife's PC tonight - total cost, $106 from CompUSA, after mail-in rebate. Happy 17th Anniversary, CompUSA!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter L. Wargo [mailto:pwargo at basenji.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:59 PM
To: 'geeks at sunhelp.org'
Subject: RE: [geeks] Lunchtime poll... who here is a smoker?

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:

> To celebrate May Day? And you live in Califonia? AND you drive a
> foreign car????

Well, at the time, we lived in NY, and our Dr. refused to perscribe BC
pills to Chandra unless she quit smoking, something about too much of a
risk.  So, we had to choose: Cigs or sex?

Took us a week. :-)

As for CA, I'm only here for the job, I really belong back in New Mexico,
land of Green Chilies and Sunshine...

Finally, Since Volvo is owned by Ford, is it still a foreign car? ;-)

> This makes me think...

Don't hurt yerself.. <g>


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