X Resources

Simple Resources

Name Type
aspect string
Sets the default aspect ratio used by the Aspect command.
2xlimit boolean
Allow image window to be twice the size of the screen.
auto4x3 boolean
Issue 4x3 command when an image is loaded.
autoApply boolean
Sets initial setting of Auto-Apply HSV/RGB mods checkbox in xv color editor window.
autoClose boolean
Automatically close xv windows when image window is iconified.
autoCrop boolean
Issue an AutoCrop command when an image is loaded.
autoDither boolean
Automatically do a Dither command when an image is loaded.
autoHFlip boolean
Issue a 'horizontal flip' command when image is loaded.
autoHistEq boolean
Issue a HistEq command when image is loaded.
autoNorm boolean
Issue Norm command when image is loaded.
autoRaw boolean
Issue a Raw command when image is loaded.
autoReset boolean
Sets initial setting of Auto-reset on new image checkbox in xv color editor window.
autoRotate integer
Rotate image when it is loaded.
autoSmooth boolean
Automatically Smooth image on initial load.
autoVFlip boolean
Automatically do a 'vertical flip' command when image is loaded.
background string
Sets the background color.
best24 boolean
Use the 'best' (read: slowest) 24-bit to 8-bit color algorithm.
black string
Sets the 'black' color used in B/W dithering.
borderWidth integer
Sets the border width of the windows.
ceditGeometry string
Sets the initial position of the xv color editor.
ceditMap boolean
Automatically open the xv color editor on startup.
ceditColorMap boolean
Install image's colormap in the xv color editor window.
clearOnLoad boolean
Clear window to avoid 'rainbow' effect on PseudoColor displays.
commentGeometry string
Sets the initial position and size of the xv comments window.
commentMap boolean
Automatically open the xv comments window on startup.
ctrlGeometry string
Sets the initial position of the xv controls window.
ctrlMap boolean
Automatically open the xv controls window on startup.
cursor integer
Sets the cursor used in the image window.
defaultPreset integer
Makes specified preset number the default preset.
displayMods boolean
Sets initial setting of Display with HSV/RGB mods checkbox in xv color editor window.
dragApply boolean
Sets initial setting of Auto-Apply while dragging checkbox in xv color editor window.
driftKludge string
Kludge to keep image window from 'drifting' around screen.
expand string
Automatically expand or contract images by the given factor.
fileList string
Loads a list of image filenames from a file.
fixed boolean
Sets 'fixed aspect ratio' mode.
force8 boolean
Lock xv into 8-bit Mode .
force24 boolean
Lock xv into 24-bit Mode .
foreground string
Sets the foreground color.
geometry string
Specifies initial size and position of image window.
gsDevice string
Type of file ghostscript should produce.
gsGeometry string
Size of page ghostscript should produce, in 72nds of an inch.
gsResolution integer
Resolution of file ghostscript should produce, in dpi.
hsvMode boolean
Puts the colormap editing dials into HSV mode.
highlight string
Sets the 'highlight' color used by the buttons.
iconGeometry string
Specifies position of icon when run in -iconic mode.
iconic boolean
Starts up xv with the image window iconified.
infoGeometry string
Specifies initial position of xv info window.
infoMap boolean
Automatically open xv info window on startup.
loadBrowse boolean
Keep the xv load window open until deliberately closed.
lowlight string
Sets the 'lowlight' color used by the buttons.
mono boolean
Display all pictures in greyscale.
monofont string
Mono-spaced font used in TextView windows.
ncols integer
Specifies maximum number of different colors to use.
ninstall boolean
Don't 'install' colormaps. Have the WM do it for us.
nodecor boolean
Don't put decorations on xv image window frame.
nolimits boolean
Turn off all 'maximum size' limitations on the image.
Don't automatically position the xv windows.
noqcheck boolean
Suppress quick-check when doing 24->8 bit algorithms.
nostat boolean
Speed up directory changing in load/save windows.
ownCmap boolean
Always use and install a private colormap.
perfect boolean
Use and install a private colormap if necessary.
print string
Sets initial setting of Orientation in xv postscript window.
psorient string
Sets initial setting of Orientation in xv postscript window. ( landscape portrait )
pspaper string
Sets initial setting of Paper Size in xv postscript window. ( 8.5x11 8.5x14 11x17 4x5 35mm a3 a4 b5 )
psres integer
Sets initial setting of Resolution in xv postscript window.
pscompress boolean
Sets initial setting of compress button in xv postscript window.
pspreview boolean
Sets initial setting of preview button in xv postscript window.
quick24 boolean
Use the quickest 24-bit to 8-bit color algorithm.
resetroot boolean
Clear root when going back to 'window' display mode.
reverse boolean
Reverses RGB values when image is loaded.
rootBackground string
Root background color, used on some root display modes.
rootForeground string
Root foreground color, used on some root display modes.
Use specified display mode when using root window.
rwColor boolean
Use read/write color cells for faster color editing.
saveNormal boolean
Sets default setting of Save at normal size checkbox in xv save window.
searchDirectory string
Sets the initial directory for the visual schnauzer and xv load windows.
textviewGeometry string
Initial position and size for TextView window.
useStdCmap boolean
Use Standard Colormap.
visual string
Use a non-default visual of your X display.
vsDisable boolean
Disable Visual Schnauzer.
vsGeometry string
Initial size and position for Visual Schnauzer windows.
vsMap boolean
Automatically open a Visual Schnauzer window on startup.
vsPerfect boolean
Prevent Visual Schnauzer from installing its own private colormap.
white string
Sets the 'white' color used in B/W stippling.

Color Editor Resources:

The xv color editor resources take the general form:

xv . state. item: val

where state is:
' default ', ' preset1 ', ' preset2 ', ' preset3 ', or ' preset4 '

and item is: 'huemap1', 'huemap2', 'huemap3', 'huemap4', 'huemap5', 'huemap6', 'whtmap', 'satval', 'igraf', 'rgraf', 'ggraf', or 'bgraf'

Pad Command Resources

You can change the contents of the 'shortcut' menus in the Pad command dialog box using the following resource format:

xv.pad. menu . slot

Where menu is one of 'color', 'bggen', 'load', and slot is 'val0' .. 'val9', or 'name0' .. 'name9'. The 'val's are string resources that hold the actual 'shortcut text' that is entered when you select this menu choice. The 'name's are optional, and are the short descriptions listed on the menus.

For instance, to add the items 'yellow', and 'blue' to the 'color' menu, stick these lines in your .Xdefaults (or .Xresources ) file:

xv.pad.color.name0:   yellow
xv.pad.color.val0:    255 255 0
xv.pad.color.name1:   blue
xv.pad.color.val1:    0 0 255

This document was extracted from the PostScript documentation and formatted by Roy Johnson. Much of the process was automated, and may therefore have introduced errors. Corrections are appreciated.