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Checking the Cygnus bug database by mail

You can interrogate non-confidential bug reports in the Cygnus Problem Report Management System (PRMS) by electronic mail.

Send mail to `query-pr@cygnus.com', with query parameters in the `Subject:' line of your mail header. (The message body is ignored.)

For example, to inquire about problem reports numbered 4020 and 5004, send mail including these lines in the header:

To: query-pr@cygnus.com
Subject: 4020 5004

You can also include many command line options to request information on bugs in a particular state, or a particular category; for example, this header requests a list of all open G++ bugs that are not confidential:

To: query-pr@cygnus.com
Subject: --state=open  --category=g++

If you do not include a `--state=' specification in your subject line, the mail server uses


Careful! Since the default state specification for electronic mail queries does not include closed, no news is good news--a closed bug yields a response with no message body.

Also, confidential bug reports are not available via the mail query server. You can request the status of your confidential PRs from your Cygnus technical contact.

Many options are available. To see a synopsis, send a message like this:

To: query-pr@cygnus.com
Subject: --help

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