README Mozilla, v. 1.7.13 for <br> SCO(R) OpenServer 6.0.0

Mozilla, v. 1.7.13
SCO® OpenServerTM 6.0.0




Mozilla is provided under the terms and conditions of the Mozilla Public License and Netscape Public License, versions 1.1. A complete copy of the LICENSE will be installed in /usr/lib/mozilla/LICENSE.

The MozPlugger, a generic Mozilla plugin, is provided under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 2. A complete copy of the LICENSE will be installed in /usr/share/doc/packages/mozplugger-1.7.1/COPYING.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

Supported SCO UNIX platforms:

Changes in This Release

The Mozilla 1.7.13 browser contains fixes for several security issues resolved by developers since the release of Mozilla 1.7.12. Check's Known Vulnerabilities in Mozilla page for details.

The Mozilla 1.7.12 browser contained fixes for three additional security issues resolved since the release of Mozilla 1.7.11.

Mozilla 1.7.11 was a minor update release that fixes two regressions introduced in Mozilla 1.7.10.

The Mozilla 1.7.10 browser, released earlier with OpenServer 6.0.0 Maintenance Pack 1 (osr600mp1), contained fixes for nine additional security issues resolved by developers since the release of Mozilla 1.7.8. Check's Known Vulnerabilities in Mozilla page for details.

The Mozilla 1.7.8a browser, released with OpenServer 6.0.0, contained a fix for Secunia Advisory SA15601 - Mozilla / Mozilla Firefox Frame Injection Vulnerability , published June 6, 2005 (CVE reference: CAN-2004-0718).

The Mozilla 1.7.8 browser, represents a significant advancement in features and fixes over the Mozilla 1.2.1 released with Openserver 5.0.7 and the Mozilla 1.6.1 released with OpenServer 5.0.7, Maintenance Pack 3. Some of the new feature include:

For a detailed list and explanation of features, check out's Mozilla Suite web-page.

For a complete listing of the security issues fixed since Mozilla 1.2.1 see's Known Vulnerabilities in Mozilla page.


  1. Print or save a copy, in text format, of this "README" page for later reference.

  2. Select and download the Mozilla 1.7.13 media image tar(C) file from the OpenServer 6.0.0, Mozilla 1.7.13 product on the OpenServer 6.0.0 Support/Supplements Download web-page.

    The tar filePackages can also be downloaded by passive, anonymous FTP from .

  3. Place the file in a temporary directory such as /tmp/mozilla and extract it using:
    tar -xf Mozilla-1.7.13Aa.VOLS.tar

  4. Exit any browser sessions currently running.
  5. As root, run the Software Manager with the command:
    scoadmin software
    or double-click on the Software Manager icon in the desktop.


The best source of information on the features of, how to use, how to configure and how to tune Mozilla is available from the developers, maintainers and users of the Mozilla browser.

Start with the's Mozilla Suite web-page. From there you can reach:


It is strongly recommended that you keep your J2SE 1.4.2 current with the latest available updates and security fixes. J2SE 1.4.2 updates will be posted on the OpenServer 6.0.0 Support/Supplements Download web-page when they become available. This will provide you with: